Other courses and useful links

Other courses and useful links

Here we offer a curated list of other online course materials that can be used to develop text analysis modules for online learning. Some of these are tutorials that we have developed and some are from others. Feel free to mix and match.

  1. Other courses and tutorials
  2. Useful text analysis links

Other courses and tutorials

  • Voyant Gallery: Examples of Voyant in Teaching is a set of links to materials others have put up from example student blog posts to syllabi.
  • The Art of Literary Text Analysis is a full course on doing text analysis with Python by us, Stéfan Sinclair and Geoffrey Rockwell. It is composed of a set of IPython notebooks that show you how to use IPython notebooks to do text analysis.
  • The Programming Historian is a set of peer-reviewed tutorials on all sorts of digital humanities subjects. The list of English lessons are here; there are also lessons in French and Spanish. Many of the lessons deal with text acquisition, management and analysis processes.
  • The #dariahTeach Working Goup have been develop high-quality courses and materials for teaching the digital humanities that are open and reusable in different ways. They have a YouTube channel with playlists of open video materials. You can even see a contribution we made on DH in Practice: Visualizing Text.
  • The Data-Sitters Club Voyant’s Big Day is a chapter by Katherine Bowers in their collaborative book that looks closely at using Voyant. Very useful tour of what you can do. At the end it includes personal memories from the club members of Stéfan Sinclair.

  • Text Analysis Portal for Research (TAPoR) is a registry of text analysis and digital humanities tools. You can discover tools that might help your research. TAPoR also has lists of convenient tools.
  • The Journal of Cultural Analytics (CA) is a journal devoted to the computational study of culture with excellent articles illustrating and discussing how text analysis methods can be used. CA includes a section of edited and reviewed datasets.
  • Project Gutenberg is a collection of electronic texts that can be used in research and teaching. These are not always edited by scholars so be careful to check what you use. None the less, there is a critical mass of texts on Gutenberg.
  • Women Writers Project is making pre-Victorian women writers accessible for research and learning.

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